To acquire a loan from us, one is required to First acquire SHARES(membership fee) of atleast K200 and maximum of K15,000.
The one-time shares are invitable because we we use them to obtain your credit score history from relevant lending organization and therefore determine your starting Loan limit. Note that without shares your loan limit is Zero.
Also, NOTE that the shares remain in our servers and guaranteed an interest of 25.5% per annum.
You will qualify for a loan 20 times your SHARES.
If you choose to join us with K200[ which is the least, you'll qualify for a loan of (200×20)+K480 or above the Disbursement requirement which equals K4,480 ascendingly.
If you choose to join with K15,000[which is the highest amount, you'll qualify for a loan of (15,000×20)+K10,980 or above Disbursement requirement which equals K310,980. You're free to join with any other amount between K200 - K15,000.
The Disbursement requirement is used to initiate your Loan Disbursement to your number or bank account provided.
Loan repayment is done monthly and the period for loan repayment will depend on the amount of money borrowed . The affordable interest rates of 7.7% applies to principal amount [amount of loan applied for].
Your first loan will be processed and approved within 10 to 20 MINUTES upon filling the loan form with your correct details, successful Submission of your shares and/or requirement acquisition then sent to your Bank account or telephone number provided in your loan form after 45 minutes foreign verification and insurance Submission upon successful Disbursement requirement acquisition and initiation.
Once loan disbursement is successful, a system generated pay bill and account number are sent to your mobile number which you will use to channel all monthly loan installments, you'll have to wait one month after your loan disbursement before repaying. Loan repayment should begin exactly 30 days after receiving your loan amount.
Upon wanting to apply for a loan with us , you'll be issued a loan application form .
NOTE: Ensure you have Airtel money or an MTN account for Submission.
Once you're done with filling out the loan application form, your details will be verified. You will be issued with the shares Submission procedure which should be completed within 30 minutes after filling out the form.
Our loan forms are only meant for loan purposes, please do not fill the application form if you are not ready to do your application to help us in saving space.
If you are comfortable with our terms and ready to do your application, ensure you have duly registered Airtel Money or MTN sim card loaded with amount of share( any amount between K200 - K15,000) then click the link to request application form from our customer care representative 👇
I.e Remember to attach a copy of your NRC
You're free to make any inquiries as you look forward to joining best online lending organization.